Gnocchi with Licorice Powder, Bacon and Artichoke Cream

gnocchi di patate crema di carciofi e liquirizia fatti in casa

Kick off the season with the recipe for a tasty and original first course: homemade potato gnocchi with licorice powder, bacon and artichoke cream by Laruffa Food.

For the Gnocchi:
½ kg of boiled red potatoes; 220 g of flour, less than an egg and a teaspoon of licorice powder.

Ingredients for the Artichoke Cream:
5 artichokes (from which obtain only the hearts and the most tender parts of the stem)
60 g of grated Parmigiano Reggiano
140 gr of extra virgin olive oil
A pinch of course salt;
black pepper to taste
nutmeg to taste
bacon to taste

Method for gnocchi: Mix all the ingredients while still hot and towards the end add the licorice powder so that a streaked effect remains in the dough, cut them.

Procedure for artichoke cream: Clean the artichokes by soaking them in water with the lemon juice, cut them into 4 wedges. Blanch them in lightly salted water for 5 – 7 minutes, drain well and let them cool. In the robot, insert the artichokes (except for a few cloves), Parmesan, coarse salt, pepper. Start blending by pouring the oil slowly, thus obtaining a sort of cream.

In a large pan, put a clove of garlic, whole or minced, and some oil, then add the artichokes set aside and brown them until they have formed a golden crust. In a non-stick pan, toast the bacon cut into small cubes.

Cook the gnocchi for a few minutes in plenty of salted water, then drain and pour them into the pan with the artichoke cream and bacon, skipping for a few minutes. Serve, sprinkling with licorice powder and the golden artichoke wedges.



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